Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Holding Out for a Hero... to Read!

Once again I'm asking for volunteers to help me get some poems ready for publication. It's now been about three months since I've made any poetry submissions. Most of the ones I made last time got rejected (as is usually the case), but I will not be deterred! It's time to try again, submit to magazines that are WAY out of my league, and wait anxiously for the rejections to pour in.
Any help anyone can offer would be very much appreciated. I've got some new poems that have never before been read by anyone other than me that are in DIRE need of critical eyes. I've also got some older poems that I've been working on for months and years that could still use some improvement. If you'd like to help, I'll send you a poem or two to read over. I only ask that you answer a couple questions for each:
1 - Gut reaction: Did you like the poem? Hate it? How did you feel while reading it?
2 - Favorite parts: Is there a particular line that sticks out to you? Do you like the story the poem tells?
3 - Least favorite parts: Did anything shake you up when you were reading the poem? What interrupted the process of reading? Any of the word choices seem inappropriate/unnatural?
In the end, any feedback you can give (even "This poem is good/smells like feet") will help me get these poems ready to submit. Thanks in advance!


Unknown said...

I'm always game, careful though, someday I'll be sending you bad fantasy novels to proofread. So remember these favors...

Psychoticmilkman said...
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Manelle said...

You can send me some. I'm not great with poetry but I can critique pretty well.

Todd said...

If you need someone to take a look, I'm game!

mom said...

love to.

Mateo said...

I'd be happy to. And this time I will actually let you know what I think. Honestly.

Junli said...

I am willing if you would like to send them to me. :D