This blog is the closest thing I have to a journal, so I feel kinda bad that I don’t update it that often and, when I do, I generally don’t talk about my personal life so much. I usually just use my blog as a sounding board for my opinions, which are numerous, boisterous, occasionally erroneous, and multiplying like salmon upstream. So, in an attempt to be more personal, I’m going to take a page from Ashley’s blog and write up a quick list of the highs and lows in my life.

- I just finished a weekend of FANTASTIC improv shows with The Jesters Royale. Six hours of performance at Cottonwood High School on Friday, plus two hours both Friday and Saturday nights. It’s a total rush.
- Garret Peterson, one of my oldest, dearest, and downright bestest friends of all time, came with his lovely wife to Saturday’s improv show. Afterwards, we went out for pie and hot chocolate at Village Inn. I got home at two o’clock in the morning with something that actually resembled a smile on my face.
- My parents cooked dinner for the missionaries on Saturday and invited me to join them. They make some of the best food I’ve ever had. This time, it was Swiss steak, and it was glorious.
- I sent off three requests for letters of recommendation to my old college professors, meaning I’m about three-fourths of the way done with my grad school application.
- In the past two weeks, I’ve written five poems, which may equal (if not exceed) my output for the rest of the year to date.
- Snow. I HATE snow. I’ve said before that the snow is the devil’s dandruff, and I will stand by that statement till I die – likely in a horrible traffic accident caused by icy roads resulting from the freaking SNOW!
- I’ve come, slowly but inevitably, to the conclusion that, while my day job leaves me feeling fulfilled as an active contributor to society, I actively HATE what I do. The professional path I am currently on is not going to lead me to where I want to be, and I’m not sure what to do about it.
- I saw Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen last week. While the movie’s not as bad as everyone on the internet says it is… it’s pah-RIT-ty bad.
Hmm… five “highs,” and each of them something I can sincerely feel proud of/grateful for. Meanwhile… only three “lows,” and one of them’s really a movie review, not an actual tragedy…
When the crap did I become a happy person?
When haven't you been a happy person? I had always been gratful to see that "smile" every morning of high school...COngrats on almost finishing the grad school stuff..I've yet to start it
I really enjoyed reading your blog. You make a great writer. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I was in the content of which I was reading ;-) It was an enjoyable night and we look forward to having you at our home soon.
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