Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hey, Look! Braddy Still Draws!

So I've been a bit uninspired when I've taken pen to paper to draw. To break through the funk, I drew some "fan art" - taking scenes and characters from some of my favorites stories.

I haven't mentioned Usagi Yojimbo much here at all, despite the fact that it's one of my all-time favorite comics. Love this guy.

Man, does anyone NOT love Calvin and Hobbes?

You're wrong. The answer is "Nobody doesn't like Calvin and Hobbes."

Dude, I LOVE Batman. Like, with all my heart and soul and stuff. But he's a COMPLETELY silly concept, so why not make him look silly sometimes?

That's... um... that's a scene from Pride and Prejudice.

Yes it is.


Psychoticmilkman said...

I absolutely love the Calvin and Hobbes and Batman art!

Unknown said...

Gonna steal that Calvin and Hobbes art. Sorry. That's my new Wallpaper.