Monday, June 17, 2013

Adventures in Animation: Kim Possible

Kim Possible was never really my show. I mean, I did like it, but it was really something my friends obsessed over more than I did. I caught an episode every now and again during my college days - pretty much whenever I wanted something fun and inoffensive. How does it hold up now?

Yes. Yes it does.

I mean, it's a super-dated experience now. Just listen to that theme song - totally early 2000s pop music. Plus, who the heck wears belly shirts anymore, Kim.

Beyond that, though, there's a real solid premise here. Spider-Man proves that teenage heroes are quite the viable property, and Kim's super-spy aesthetic isn't that far off from the spandex genre. Kim balances all the usual concerns of a teenage girl with the more weighty issues of saving the world week after week.

Admittedly, a lot of those "usual teenage concerns" are a little on the cliche side - cute boys, make-up, skin care, cheerleading practice... It's a very Disney princess sort of thing. Still, Kim kicks a lot more butt than most Disney princesses, so it works out pretty well.

Plus - and this is important - this show is funny. A lot of the comedy comes from the performance of Will Friedle, mostly known for playing the older brother in Boy Meets World. He did a bit of voice acting once that show ended, and he's always got this high-energy delivery that brings a lot to the character.

Beyond that, there are some surprisingly great action pieces. A big highlight is any time Kim Possible faces off with her femme-fatale rival, Shego. They could have easily gone with the petty catfight route, and while the two adversaries usually snark about the other's weight or complexion during their duels, they both swing hard. It's actually some of the best fight choreography I've seen in animation.

Now if only Disney would actually put out an affordable DVD collection. My buddy managed to snag his copy through the Disney Rewards Program, but for me to buy it on my own would set me back $60 a season.

And, yeah, I'm actually a little tempted.

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