Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where Love Poetry Comes From

I've spent the past few years in intensive study and self-discovery (or "re-discovery," as the case may be)- I've returned to writing and performing in a way that I haven't really done in a long time. Well, now that my most recent show is over, I've decided it's time to explore other talents. So today, you get some of my art:


Okay, so I'm not really an artist. I can draw some pretty awesome stick figures, but unless I get a scanner, you'll have to settle for what I can conjure up in paint.

And, really, that little comic shouldn't evoke pity from anyone. Cuz, seriously, if poets aren't lonely, when are they going to find time to write?


Junli said...

I don't care that I already commented over on Facebook, I'm going to comment here too! BTW I really dig the stick figures. They are all I can draw too. :D

This Place is a Disaster! said...

The extent of my poetry and art consists of 4 year old brilliance, 2 year old scribbles and Primary rhymes and verses. You make me see poetry, and I think I like it - dam-it! I do!