Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Daily Sketches - Greatest Hits

I'm now three months in to my resolution, and I haven't missed a day yet!

3.25.10 - I said once that drawing fat people is fun. I stand by that assertion.

This character is pretty much a copy of my "Greed" character back when I did the Seven Deadly Sin Sketches... only she's wearing a dress.

3.28.10 - This isn't my first attempt at drawing a child, but it is the first I consider a success. She actually looks like a child... although I'm not sure what exactly she's doing. I think she's technically hopping backwards.

Either that, or she's running, and her right leg is REALLY long.

3.31.10 - Reason #486 why The Jesters Royale are awesome:

If you weren't there, you have NO idea what the deal with this is about.

4.2.10 - Drew this guy while running sound for the Jesters one night. So I had zero light and very little focus... and I love what I came up with.

Also, he's got a little fan. How cute.

4.3.10 - I'm still not great at drawing women, but I keep at it. I wanted to draw a rockstar-type chick (something along the line of Pat Benatar). I think I did okay - despite this chick's long arm.

4.4.10 - To prove I'm serious about learning to draw, I decided to imitate some of the finest artists of history and draw something from Greek mythology. So here's Atlas.

On an unrelated note, I'm no good at drawing muscle... yet.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

personally I think you are "not that great at sketching women" because you don't know what lies beneath their clothes. Every girl is so differently shaped and the clothes just hide it and actually disguise it as something else. I hate to say it but If you wanted to improve - you should a)get married and get naked or b)study some nude models and learn the natural general curvatures of the female body.

Adrianna said...

I'm just happy you gave that one some ample cleavage. But I support the get naked thing too.