Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Adventures in Animation: Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated


No no no no no no no.

There is no way that a Scooby-Doo cartoon is any frickin' good.  It just can't happen.

I mean, GEEZ, this is the series that's been telling the exact same set of jokes for, like, forty years.  And, frankly, the joke was NEVER that good.

"Eep!  A ghost!"

"It's not actually a ghost.  It's Farmer Johnson in a mask!"

"Stop eating the tires on the mystery machine, Shaggy!"


And so on.

The Scooby-Doo series is just one long string of one-note characters, goofy chase sequences, and a talking dog with a speech impediment.  And Mystery Incorporated is no different.  In fact, it seems like it's even more of the same stuff we've already seen.

And yet, SOMEHOW, it's also really, really good.

The main cast of five characters has somehow evolved, despite the fact that they're nearly identical to every earlier iteration.  However, they've each been written like they're parodies of themselves.  Fred's single-mindedly obsessed with traps and mysteries, Velma's the brainy one who has a chick-moustache, and Daphne's so spoiled that she literally doesn't know what poop smells like.

Seriously, that's brought up.  The show sounds like it was written by the guys behind Robot Chicken.

So the characters are funnier than they've ever been before, but Mystery Incorporated also benefits from an increase in animation quality.  Those goofy chase sequences, where the monster chases the gang through all sorts of doors that somehow connect to each other despite all opening on the same hallway, now have a half-decent animation budget behind them.  They're pretty great to watch.

Yeah.  It's funny.  It's well-drawn.  And it's got some great characters.  Scooby-Doo:  Mystery Incorporated is better than it has any right to be.  At all.

Shaggy and Scooby themselves, though?  Still annoying.

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