Friday, April 11, 2014

Too Timid for Tindr

So I've been thinking about online dating recently.  I don't just mean in theory, although I do consistently wonder why people would choose to limit their interactions to a string of text, devoid of all other social cues like tone of voice and body language.  Actually, I have to say that the older I get, the more that sort of separation actually sounds kind of appealing.

A bit of context, perhaps.  The other day, I ran into a friend on the bus.  Well, I say "friend" - she was actually a former romantic interest.  We talked a few times, went out once, and that's... that's about where the association ended.  I think I was pretty into her, but I guess I didn't feel she was too interested in me.  Anyway, we fell in to talking - she told me about her life, I told her about mine.  She seemed interested that I'd recently purchased a house and asked if I had a roommate.  I told her no.  I have the option of renting a room out, but I like to be alone.

Her response?  "Yes, you do, don't you?"

Of course, as I am wont to do, I've spent the few days since then wondering, "Well, what did she MEAN?"  My cousin, often funny and insightful, said that was the sound of dodging a bullet, but I got sort of a different impression from the exchange.  I mean, I was there:  she got this kind of sad look in her eyes, and her voice was sort of... I dunno, compassionate or something.  Emotions are still a weird thing for me, you guys.

I came away thinking that she really understood that I don't really like being around people.  Heck, I think that was a topic of a few of our conversations two or three years ago.  There was no condemnation there, but rather an acknowledgement that I like to keep myself apart.

I dunno, maybe that's why our relationship never really moved on past a casual friendship.  Or maybe I just thought that was the reason.  Either way, there was some truth to it - I'm a solitary person.  I'd call myself an introvert, but that to me sounds like a ^&%$in' copout.

So, heck, what better way for a guy like me to meet people than to use an electronic medium that would keep me from actually having to meet meet them?

So that leads me to online dating.  I've thought about trying it out.  I've got a few friends who have found some moderate success by using or even (shudder) LDS Planet.  Most recently, I've had some people recommend the app Tindr, which I guess is sort of an evolution from "Hot or Not."  You flip through the profiles of people in your area, look at their pictures, read their profiles, and decide whether or not you'd be interested in getting to know them better.  Meanwhile, they're all doing the same thing, and if the app recognizes that two people have expressed interest in each other, it lets them know so that they can start up an online conversation.  They flirt, or tweet, or sext, or whatever the heck those crazy kids are doing these days.

But that route would lead to all sorts of maddening questions.  Mainly, what the HECK would I put into an online dating profile?  

"Is mostly not bald"?  

"Makes good money, but is dead inside"?

"REALLY likes cartoons zomg!"?

Plus, I'm a little leary of dating sites that focus making judgments based on photographs.  Yeah, it's a bit shallow to judge people based solely on their looks,but I'm really more concerned about limiting my exposure to pictures of man bits.  And I hear dating sites are FULL of man-bit pics.

...or am I just looking into the wrong sites?


Aldo said...

I've tried online dating to no real avail, but I rather do meet-up or speed dating. Comic Con does their sci-fi speed dating which is actually quite a bit of fun. Websites like do singles meetups where as a group you go to a movie, dinner or activity (like mini-golfing) and if someone catches your fancy then spark the conversation. Online dating, in my experience, is hollow and not all that helpful.

Feisty Harriet said...

Haha! Stephen, you're on the wrong sites.
