Friday, March 27, 2009


Egads! Someone just vandalized a bunch of my photos! I wonder WHO that diabolical fiend could be?

Okay, that's actually not that bad a look for me...

Umm... is the dog collar making anyone else uncomfortable?

Yeah, I find myself in this situation a lot. Care to guess which side wins?

I do NOT own an "I'm With Stupid" shirt. Period.

Wow. That's some crazy hair.

Okay, now this just crosses the line! How dare he mock this most sacred of all sporting events?! At least he didn't make fun of the French.

Sad. This was the only wedding reception I've ever had fun at. Now my memories are ruined forever.

Well... I actually kinda dig that hat.

This is just juvenile. The frog looks kinda nice, though.

Is that a red-mesh wife beater? And do I have a tribal band tattoo around my elbow? Is that even possible?


Nate said...

Sorry Stephen, I give up. I admit that I am your mysterious picture vandalizer! lol! Seriously though, these are pretty funny!

Junli said...

A little bored, are we? That's okay. They made me laugh, so I guess you accomplished something. :D