Thursday, July 29, 2010

Braddy Reads The Sociopath Next Door

Okay, so this book actually TERRIFIED me.

Martha Stout defines a “sociopath” as a person who, for some reason, does not have a conscience. Without love (or even hate) to motivate him, the only satisfaction such a person finds in life is through winning – often at the expense of anyone else around. A sociopath will do everything he can to succeed, no matter what the consequences to others.

A sociopath regards the idea of “love” with the same amount of emotional investment as the idea of “chair.” He can be anyone from a charming yet ruthless businessman to the sluggish layabout who refuses to get a job. She might even be the cranky old cat lady that calls the cops on you when your car is parked an inch too far out into the road. The only thing that ties all these people together is a complete lack of regard for the well-being of others.

Dr. Stout’s entire thesis revolves around a fantastic little statistic: one in 25 people in the world could clinically be considered a “sociopath.” Technically, that means of the 529 friends I have on Facebook, 21 of them lack the capacity to form REAL human attachments. Well, considering how effective Facebook is at cultivating “real human attachments,” that number is probably significantly higher, but you get my point.

The Sociopath Next Door is a good tool to help those who may have been victimized by a sociopathic individual to recover and protect themselves from being targeted again. Anyone else who reads it will get a few warm fuzzies from the author’s belief that, ultimately, a life lived for others is the most meaningful and that conscience IS superior to consciencelessness. They’ll also start into a paranoid tailspin, suddenly suspecting everyone around them of secretly plotting against them, until they start living in the space under their bed with a tin foil hat and a can of E-Z Cheeze.

You’re welcome.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

Wow! I know someone who could use that book!

heidikins said...

Noted and added to wish list. I have also started a mental list of potential sociopaths to avoid (there is a frightening high number of x-boyfriends on that list...perhaps it comes with the territory?)
