Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Confessions: Music

The following confessions are all true – if not in fact, then in spirit.

1 – The first time I heard the song “Jukebox Hero,” I was on my way to a night of Country Swing Dancing with a girl I was nuts about. I can’t help but think of her every time I hear the song – which was more memorable than every single country song I heard that night.

2 – I once saw one of “those” internet videos of a girl dancing to “Rock You like a Hurricane.” As a sensitive young Mormon boy that has never seen a girl’s leg above the lower edge of the kneecap, I’ve been emotionally scarred ever since. I can’t even LISTEN to the Scorpions anymore. I still beat Guitar Hero 3, but it was uncomfortable.

3 – On my way back from Flaming Gorge when I was about 13, I heard this song on the radio:

“Those were the days my friend!
We thought they’d never end.
We sang and laughed forever and a day.
We lived the life we’d choose,
We’d fight and never lose,
Those were the days. Oh yes, those were the days.”

I have never heard this song since. I still remember the words, I remember the sound of the woman's voice, but I don't know anything else about the song. I don't know who wrote it, who sang it, anything. I guess I could look it up or something, but I kinda enjoy having this ethereal mystery song from my past.

I first heard "American Pie" on that same car trip.

4 - A terrible day will turn into an awesome day if you hear three Doobie Brothers songs in a row. Fact.


Aubrey said...

I think this may be your song!

Aub J.

Heather said...

Haha. So, I guess you won't be catching the Scorpions next month when they come to Salt Lake? Too bad. Great band.