Monday, February 25, 2013

Cooking with Braddy: Creamy Chickpea and Garlic Soup

Another four-ingredient recipe... although I have to say that these "Quick and Easy" recipes are more "easy" than "quick." Maybe I'm just slow. Boiling chickpeas until they soften takes a long bloody time.

I've been a little more interested in vegetarian cuisine recently, not because I'm going vegetarian, but because I just want to eat a bigger variety of stuff. And, frankly, when you're a dyed in the wool carnivore like I am, good vegetable recipes are hard to find. However, since vegetarians tend to eat the stuff more than I do, they know how to put them together in a more delicious fashion. Thus, chickpeas.

I did some experimenting with rosemary recently, and I've been a little disappointed in the results. So I hoped for something a little more... delicious by following an actual recipe. The recipe called for a sprig of rosemary to be added while the soup was boiling, and then removed when it was time to blend everything else together. Once the dish was finished, the instructions said to add a few leaves as a garnish. I suppose it worked, but I still can't shake the feeling whenever I took a spoonful of soup that I was eating pine needles.

1 comment:

Torrie said...

You should totally post the actual recipes when you share your cooking adventures--as you've probably figured out, we've been going more vegetarian too, so I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for good recipes. I'd like to try this one out.

And the garnish on my arroz con leche is orange peel :)