Friday, February 22, 2013

Living: You're Doing It Wrong

So happy Friday, everyone!

About two weeks ago, I had this bizarre thought as I walked out to my car at the end of my work shift. I had this huge grin on my face, because the work week was done, and I had no responsibilities to go home to. I was literally giddy, yet, the more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that my elation wouldn't last beyond the half-hour drive home. And, sure enough, it didn't.

It's not that I didn't have anything to look forward to - I'm sure I did. I just didn't have anything worth getting giddy over. It was a pretty uneventful weekend. As most of my weekends are.

I find it a little upsetting that the happiest time of just about every week is the time I spend walking to my car every Friday after work. To me, that says I don't like my job enough to be fulfilled by it, and I don't like my home life enough to be excited by it. I'm pretty sure that's not the case... but, then again, all I did last night was break a video game controller over a particularly frustrating level and Google a bunch of Adventure Time songs.

Oh, and I wrote, for, like, twenty minutes. That was pretty cool.

I remember a day I had a while back where I just felt like crap after work. I was angry, frustrated, and tired. However, instead of drowning myself in ice cream and junk music, I opted instead to go jogging. Afterwards, I felt GREAT!

Another incident, not too long after that: I felt a bit blue, and so I decided to pop in a cartoon to watch. Rather than just lie down while watching T.V., though, I pulled out my sketchbook and doodled a bunch of silly pictures (these ones, to be precise). Again, when I put myself away for the night, I felt, not just fulfilled, but actually happy.

I guess I'm just wondering why I actively put off things I know will make me happy just cuz... well, just cuz.

Anyway, hope your weekends are as fun as the one I'm planning!

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