Thursday, February 14, 2013

Project 5: Sweetie Bear

I want to be your Sweetie Bear,
Your lovey-dovey pumpkin,
Your cutie-fruity sugar pear,
Your Mistah Somethin' Somethin'.

Please let me call you Honey Pie
Or Babycakes Delight.
You bring me my sweet sunny sky
When we go out at night.

Let's dance and act quite amorous,
Oh, gee, I say, oh golly!
No one will "haw" or "hem" at us,
If we kiss romantically.

Let me be your "hot and steady,"
My forever Valentine.
You... oh. You've got a date already?
Well, then never mind.

Guys, guys, GUYS! This is seriously my favorite 52 project yet! And I'll tell you why in a bit.

Unlike most of my projects, I actually completed the picture first. And if this were a more revision-centered exercise, I'd probably go back and re-do the illustration, since it doesn't really capture the lighthearted nature of the poem as well as I'd like. I was mainly going for a few bizarre character designs, but, other than some odd skin color choices, I don't think I achieved what I wanted. Heck, I did a better drawing on this theme LAST YEAR.

But the poem, guys... It makes me so happy!

Okay, so the idea for this poem popped into my head last week while I was still sick in bed, and I COULD NOT SLEEP until I wrote the first stanza. I was giggling and sneezing and it was AWESOME! See, I'd been wanting to try my hand again at rhyme-intensive poetry, and right from the beginning of the year I'd wanted to do something along the lines of a Shel Silverstein poem. This poem definitely counts there (heck, I'm pretty sure Silverstein uses the "never mind" punch line somewhere in his oeuvre).

However, I'd also wanted to try something with a lot more internal rhyme. I was inspired after watching this video, which my buddy Aldo sent me through the Facebook. I liked so much what I saw, especially when the guy in the video started exploring Eminem's lyrics and analyzing the use of internal rhyme. I thought I'd try something similar.

So, yeah, Eminem totally inspired this poem. Just saying.


heidikins said...

Um, I love this. Hilarious, charming, catchy, awesome. Kudos to you!

(Also, I love that Mr. Hunky Boyfriend Guy is wearing a "Chemistry Team" t-shirt. Ha!)


Adrianna said...

This is my favorite one so far.

Amy said...

Soooooo!!!! Cute!!!!!! But, seriously, really great job. S.e.r.I.o.u.s.l.y.