Friday, June 14, 2013

Project 21: If Only You Had Been There

While walking down the street
The other week or day,
I saw a speeding car
Coming the other way.
And in that car, a crooked driver -
Her hair was thin and gray.

Then, from the yellow guiding lines
Her car began to stray!
That other lane was empty -
A relief, I'm sure you'll say,
For any lonely passer-by
That car would surely slay.

But now that relief has left us,
The truth I must convey.
The thought I had - most ghastly! -
With guilt I now relay:
I wished that you had been there
To stand there in her way.

This poem... is a lot darker than I anticipated. So's the picture. I lost interest in the whole thing about halfway through, but I didn't want to completely abandon it. It's done now.

Next project will be better.

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