Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Braddy Reads I Want My Hat Back

Is there a market for picture books for adults that I'm not aware of? Or is this just a thing my friends do?

Of course, I'm not talking about "adult" picture books. Don't be gross.

I'm not even talking about parody picture books, like Go the F*^% to Sleep. I'm talking about honest-to-goodness, 12"-square books that are, like, 75% illustration. Yeah, I've got a lot of friends who love those things.

And there's no reason why someone shouldn't love a good picture book. Some of my fondest, earliest memories are from reading the likes of "Little Critter" or "Curious George." Heck, as an adult, I've come to appreciate the work of artists like Shaun Tan, whose written one of my all-time favorite books.

Well, if you haven't ever seen Jon Klassen's I Want My Hat Back, you might want to try a picture book for yourself. The simplistic illustrations set up this sort of dry, deadpan tone that leads up to one of the best punchlines I've ever seen.

Plus, the book is full of the usual monosyllables, so most people could enjoy this book with their kids. Provided you like just a hint of dark humor in your child-rearing.