Friday, February 11, 2011

On A Completely Unrelated Note...

Apropos of nothing, John Lasseter, the guy who heads up Pixar's animation studios, is known for having said:

"Our challenge [as animators] is to make stories that connect for kids and adults."

Seriously now, I won't fault anyone for LIKING Cars, or even for being excited for Cars 2 - but I'm not, and I have my reasons.


Psychoticmilkman said...

Okay, I kept my mouth shut when you ripped Pixar (mostly because a lot of what you said was true).

But John Lasseter is a god! He's done so much for both Pixar and Disney.

That said, I'm not really looking forward to Cars 2.
I wasn't excited for Toy Story 2 either, but that one turned out to be my favorite Toy Story Movie.
However...Cars 2 looks like crap.

not to mention, they've announced a Mosters Inc 2...which kinda pisses me off as Monsters Inc is my favorite Pixar movie.

S.R. Braddy said...

For the record - I don't mean to attack John Lasseter. I think his philosophy and his approach towards cartooning are EXCELLENT and should be emulated by all.

But he likes Cars, so... yeah, he's not perfect.

Psychoticmilkman said...

Cars major problem was it's length.
I worked at the Theatre when it came out, and I literally had women dragging bored children out of the theatre begging to know how long much longer the movies was.
The target audience for Cars often had much shorter attention noone really wants to listen to Owen Wilson's voice for that long either.