Thursday, March 15, 2012

The College Years Playlist

So I'm tottering on the edge of 28 years old - pretty much a full-grown adult by every definition of the word (except possibly Urban Dictionary). I've been a college graduate for nearly four years now - more than enough time to get settled into adulthood, right?

Apparently not. I actually still feel like the same person I was in college... at least, I do until I have to interact with college students.

Anyway, I heard some of the music I used to listen to back in college and got a little nostalgic. Thought I'd share some of it with you.

All American Rejects, "Move Along"

I'm pretty sure almost every college student (well, all the white ones, at least) listened to a lot of All-American Rejects back in the day of... 2007. So long ago...

Well, I'm not gonna apologize for it. I STILL love this song, and will probably listen to it regularly forever.

My Chemical Romance, "Welcome to the Black Parade"

Man, this song... I mean, it wants SO HARD to be "Bohemian Rhapsody" that you can't help but love it a little, can you?

I mean, it's almost like a little kid dressing up in an oversized leather jacket because he thinks it makes him look tough. It's ADORABLE.

Gym Class Heroes, "Cupid's Chokehold"

Man, if there's a song I'm EMBARASSED to have liked, it's this one... but that's probably just because I don't like people to know I have a sense of humor.

I was lured in by the bizarre Supertramp sample, and I stuck around for the goofy music video, which I'm now obligated to hate because Katy Perry's in it.

Angels and Airwaves, "The Adventure"

I didn't really LISTEN to this song so much as I HEARD it. A lot. From my roommate's computer. Who listened to this song nearly every day. For two years.

Thankfully, it's actually a pretty good one.

Emilie Simon, "Flowers"

Probably the most obscure song on my list. Another roommate of mine played this song a lot, and I kinda fell in love with the Tim Burton-y visuals in the video.

The song itself is really strong, too. Emilie Simon chews her words like a French girl (for pretty obvious reasons), and that adds quite a bit to the charm.

Honorable mention: Pretty much everything at you probably assumed that when I said "college student," didn't you?)

1 comment:

miss kristen said...

I will always love 'Move Along' (the entire album, not just the song). Mostly because by that time I was nursing a post-engagement broken heart.