Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An Autumn Adventure

Just got back from a lovely lunch break. I went out for a walk, with my copy of The Scarlet Pimpernel under my arm. As I read, I waded through a lake of dried autumn leaves, got a good clean lungful of crisp air, and said to myself, "Yup. I should probably start my NaNoWriMo project this year."

You didn't think I'd forgotten, did you? After all, noormally by this time I've doubled the size of the internet with incessant posts about how my NaNoWriMo novel is coming. Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that we're about a week into November, and I haven't posted a single thing.

Sadly, that's not because I finally realized that no one really cares how much writing I got done last night. Rather, this year I'm taking a new approach to NaNoWriMo.

I'm going to do it all in a week.

Okay, that's probably not exactly how things will shake out, but that's goal. I've saved up some vacation time, and I'll be taking a week off from my full-time job. Starting tomorrow, and lasting until next Tuesday, I will live the life of a full-time novelist, substituting my writing desk for the daily commute and pajama pants for grooming.

Seriously, guys, I'm so excited!

I won't be around the ol' Bloggerverce or Facebookville for the next week or whatever, so I won't be flooding everybody's RSS feeds with dithering updates like I've done in the past. Here's the only tidbit I plan on posting on this year's project before the finish:
Dr. Henry Stag sells patent medicines guaranteed to cure whatever ails you, and he'll back up that guarantee for as long as he is in town. Usually about a week. But how long can Dr. Stag stay in business when a mysterious stranger opens up shop, selling miracle cures that actually work?
Wish me luck!


miss kristen said...

Good luck. Be sure to work harder than your alter ego. ;)

S.R. Braddy said...

Alter ego? Whaaaaaat?

Todd said...

Good luck Bradford! Big task, but you can do it!