Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Weird@## Dream

I present for your consideration last night's dream:

For some reason, I found myself chained to the dashboard of a stationary van. There were additional passengers in the backseat, screaming frantically. Whoever chained us inside the van planted a bomb inside, minutes away from exploding.

Luckily, our unseen captor didn't deem it necessary to deprive me of my gun, nor did he chain me so tightly that I couldn't SHOOT THE CHAINS OFF (in my dreams, I'm surprisingly hardcore). I escaped the vehicle and started herding the rest of the frightened passengers out... into the parking lot of a local WinCo supermarket.

Winco: The Supermarket and Terrorist Low Price Leader?

One single passenger was still trying to make her way out of the van: a poor mother with a broken leg in a comically oversized cast, trying to juggle crutches, a diaper bag, and a screaming baby. How often have we all seen that? Well, except for the bomb part.

I ran back to the woman and took the baby from her arms so she could finish getting out of the car - and I swear to you that the baby I help looked exactly like this:

It's full of stars.

It was the strangest thing - I immediately felt this sense of attachment to the child, like its survival was suddenly somehow the most important thing in the world. I put my hand gently under the baby's head and cradled it close.

Then the mom told me I was doing it wrong and snatched the baby back.

I'm not sure exactly what happened next. Presumably, the van blew up and we all went shopping.


Psychoticmilkman said...

You realize that baby picture is from 2001: A Space Odyssey, right? Which is hysterical because that hole movie was like a bad dream.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the beginning of a movie script to me....maybe you should take a break from the novel and write for Hollywood instead.