Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolutions 2011

Last year I made something like 14 resolutions. I think I kept one, maybe two (although I did come close on a couple of my goals). This year, I'm gonna keep things simple by focusing on the things I do that make me happiest.

See, I kept myself pretty busy during 2010. I had a lot of fun performing (with one pretty notable exception), but, really, theater isn't the thing that's made me happy. So I'm pretty much done with the stage, I think, except for the improv team.

Of everything I did in 2010, I got the most satisfaction from the daily sketches I did and, of course, NaNoWriMo. So my goals for 2011 are going to be a continuation of those activities.

1 - Continue with One Sketch per Day

2 - Write at Least 250 Words per Day

By the way, 250 words (about the equivalent of 1 type-written page) takes about 15 minutes to do. This should be an easy goal to keep.

3 - Complete a Second Draft of the Novel I Wrote in November

4 - Write and Draw at Least 4 Complete Comics

Here we're talking 6 or more full-sized pages, hand-drawn (not that I have anything against Microsoft Paint). I got an idea for a pretty fun little comic while I was in the shower the other day, and I'm participating in a writing competition in which I plan to do a comic, so, hopefully, this goal's not too unrealistic.

And now, a little something extra:

5 - Start Saving for a Real Vacation

Travel for me has always been a pipe dream. I've never made concrete plans to go ANYWHERE further away than Smith's Marketplace. I don't have any idea where I'll go (maybe New York, maybe the Grand Canyon, or maybe I'll just pop down to Cedar City for the Shakespearean festival), but I want to start planning for the trip by setting aside a little extra from each paycheck.

I think that'll do it.


heidikins said...

I love love LOVE #5. And #2. And the rest of them.


Heather said...

When I was younger I used to have dance competitions in Cedar City, so we'd always go to the Shakespearean Festival and also Zions National Park. It wasn't too far or too much money, and made for a great weekend. Cept I'd call it a roadtrip more than a vacation.