Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's Thursday!

It's "Throw-Up-the-Horns" Thursday!

I love Thursdays. They're good days.

First, at my current job, we have a regularly scheduled lunch every Thursday, usually from a higher-end or more "adventurous" restaurant than I would normally patronize. These Thursday lunches introduced me to Greek and Thai cuisine, and my life's better for it.

Thursday also happens to be the one day I don't generally have plans in the evenings, meaning I can STAY HOME and do whatever the heck needs doing there. Tonight, I think I'll clean the apartment a bit.

Plus, Thursday has the best theme song:

What a great day!

By the way, yesterday I set up a deviantART account. There's nothing new there as of yet, but I thought I'd give it a try - see if it's a community I can get behind.

I just have to find the "non-anime" crowd.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I sing this song in my head now every time I think the word Thursday. Conan is the man!