Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Question of Art, or, Why Braddy Hates Hipsters

Ever see a picture that looks like it was drawn in MS Paint or something and cock an eyebrow? The comment I usually hear is something along the lines of, "Is this art?"

You know what? Screw that question.

The question "What is art?" is hugely problematic and always bugs me. See, when I hear someone asking what art IS, I get the impression that they're more interested in what art ISN'T. I think the question is most often applied to commercial art, where the attitude seems to be "If everyone likes it, then it must not be any good."

If there ever was a reason to hate hipsters, this is it. I remember sitting in once on a conversation (that sounds so much nicer than "eavesdropping," doesn't it?) some friends had about a song they both loved. They had a little bit of a dance party while they played the song on their iPod. Eventually, this song that they loved so much - "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - got a lot of exposure on commercials and television. I mentioned this to one of my friends, only to hear her say, "Man, the song sucks now."

Frankly, that's a terrible attitude. You can argue that the song is overplayed, or that the band sold out, but those are issues that have little to do with the basic QUALITY of the piece. When you hear a good song, watch an awesome movie, or see something that makes you smile, you should want to SHARE it with people. Otherwise, what's the point?

Oh, you mean the point is to maintain a fragile sense of superiority over others? Sorry, my bad. Carry on, then.


heidikins said...

Yes. This. Thank you.


Amy said...

I LOVE this post. One of the best EVER.