Monday, December 17, 2012

Cooking With Braddy: Roasted Red Pepper and Italian Sausage Penne

It’s been a loooong while since I’ve set aside any time to do some cooking, and that’s a real shame, because I picked up a new recipe book a while back. A friend of mine works with some high school kids who were selling a Taste of the World cookbook. He vouched for the recipes, so I decided to pick up the book as well.

It’s all for the good of the kids, right?

So I took a picture of all the ingredients before I started cooking – as I usually do – but I think I went overboard. See, there’s cilantro in that picture above, which didn’t wind up going in this recipe, so really, I guess, the picture should look like this:

…or maybe like this:

$%@! Why do all green things have to look exactly the same?!?!

Anyway, so pasta’s not really my thing. Last time I tried to make a pasta dish, it ended pretty disastrously. Still, the recipe looked easy enough, and there wasn’t much sauce to work with, so I thought it’d be simple.

Simple? Well, I guess it was, but it still took me for-bloody-ever to put all this together. Cutting up six red bell peppers took nearly a half hour for some dang reason, and fresh thyme is a lot more difficult to work with than the dried stuff in the bottle.

Still, by the time I had all those herbs and such sautéing with the mushrooms, I could tell it would be worth it. Smelled delicious, I’ll tell you that.

I picked up the spicy Italian sausage by mistake. It wasn’t my first pick – I just didn’t look at the label closely enough. Even so, the final product?

VERY tasty.


Torrie said...

I LOVE making pasta dishes. In fact, I probably love it a little too much--I've tried to actually cut down on the amount we eat because it's starting to show on our waistlines.

I tried a similar pasta recipe to this, but instead of a lot of red peppers, it used fresh-cut green beans--not only did that cut down on the prep time significantly, but it made for a pretty delicious dish.

I'll have to try this out sometime though :)

miss kristen said...

I'll have to show you my tricks for chopping veggies and working with fresh Thyme...