Monday, December 31, 2012

Project 52: A New Goal For A New Year

So 2012 has come and gone. With 2013 just ahead, as is customary, I intend to start out strong with a bunch of resolutions to further develop my already fantastic personality. My first goal was to develop a completely unjustifiable and insufferable sense of self-confidence, so I'm already off to a fantastic start!

So I've got the usual bag of goals to sort through - read more, exercise, date more even less (somehow) - but I also thought I'd try something new and challenging. Yes, I'm talking about YET ANOTHER writing goal. But it's a good one, I promise.

I recently learned of a musician named Jonathan Coulton. He's a bit of a nerd, but I can't help but like a lot of his music. He did something once upon a time called "Thing-a-Week," where he wrote and published a song every week for a year. I think he's done it a few times now. He admits a lot of what he s created is garbage, but he also wrote a song called "Mr. Fancy Pants" that may be one of my favorite songs ever (right now).

I thought, for 2013, I'd try something similar. I'm calling my endeavor

Project 52

and it's a little different.

Every week, from Monday through Friday, I will write something. A short story, a poem, a... something. Whatever it is I write, it will be done on Friday. Period.

That's part one.

In part 2, I spend Saturday and Sunday illustrating said written thing. The two pieces will go together, and I'll probably publish most of these creations here on the blog, where you are all free to ignore them as much as you wish.

I consider this something of a spiritual successor to me Daily Sketches from a few years back. This'll also mark my return to writing poetry, something I haven't really attempted in about two years. So, you know, there's a lot to look forward to.

I've already got ten ideas for Project 52 projects... and I've GOT to come up with a better term for the weekly creations, or this'll get redundant REAL fast. Some things you can look forward to are nursery rhymes, possible hymn lyrics, and Dr. Frankenstein's dating profile.

Yup, 2013 is gonna be a GOOD year!

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