Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Out Of The Frying Pan, Aim For The Stars

My Christmas bonus came in my paycheck on Friday morning. That meant that Friday evening was a good day to spend said bonus. I had some extra Christmas shopping to do, so I went to Barnes and Noble. And then I thought, “Well, while I’m here… I might as well pick up something for myself, as well.”

Cuz I’ve been a good boy this year, too.

I went to the cookbook section and found The Flavor Bible by Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg. It’s not a cookbook as much as a cooking reference – almost a cooking thesaurus, in fact. The idea is that you look up one ingredient, and see what flavors the thirty or so top-tier American chefs interviewed for the book would recommend adding to that ingredient.

The book is really for a cook well beyond my skill level, but my imagination sure got fired up. I’mma try at some point to develop a recipe for a yogurt, vanilla, and pistachio chicken. You know, eventually.

Even though I don’t expect to get much use out of the reference part of The Flavor Bible (yet), I thoroughly enjoyed reading the introductory section of the book. I relished how lovingly the authors describe the art of cooking. Sure, the talk of food got me hungry, but, more than that, I relished the way the authors and chefs described cooking as a creative, artistic experience.

I'm gonna guess, though, that the book's writers would probably cringe at the sight of me eating Cheese-Its while reading.


John R Belliston said...

Yogurt, Vanilla, and pistachio with chicken would be fantastic if you went an indian direction. They use all those flavors pretty regularly.

heidikins said...

Yogurt, vanilla pistachio chicken sounds like dessert....but perhaps subtract the chicken. :)


Larissa said...

Stephen you have been a very good boy:-) You deserve all you have and more. And then you can feed us all:-)