Friday, August 23, 2013

Not Falling Anymore

Man, I've been drawing a whole lot lately. I've started to get that stagnating feeling again when it comes to my artwork, so I've been kicking up the effort to get a lot more done. Plus, it keeps me off the streets. Drawing is my anti-drug.

I've also been drawing a lot of cutesy girls rescuing guys lately. I showed this picture to a friend, and she asked if I wanted someone to come and save me. Not sure what to make of that... but the answer is probably "yes."


One of the ways I've been trying to break out of the stagnating slump is by experimenting with hatching and cross hatching a lot more, an experiment necessitated by the death of all my broad-tipped black markers. Shading in all those dark areas is TOUGH without a big fat marker. Hatching is... actually a lot more work, but the result's usually pretty good.

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