Saturday, August 3, 2013

This Is The Book I Wrote

I spent the evening drawing pictures on the iPad with my niece, Clarice. That's us, up there (and, when asked to draw a heart, I may or may not have included an Adventure Time cameo). We drew a lot more this morning. In fact, we co-authored a book. Here it is:

It's called Me, Me, I'm Daddy.

"This is Daddy. Draw him walking on the sidewalk. He's reading our book."

"Daddy saw a little girl. Her name is Clarice."

"Then they saw a bee."

"Draw Daddy and the little girl holding hands. And there are flowers and butterflies. Then Daddy stepped on a flower."

"Okay, this is the last page. Then Daddy found a little boy. That's Daddy's son. Daddy's name is Babadida."

The End.

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