Friday, August 6, 2010

Are You KIDDING Me, Kevin Smith?

Okay, I've let this one slip for long enough.

Writer/director Kevin Smith has taken a crack at writing Batman, and... well, I don't think I can approve of his storytelling decisions. Wanna know why not?

THIS is why:


Seriously, who wants to read about Batman peeing himself? How did this get published? How did the editors let this slide?

Kevin Smith: "Did you see that Dark Knight movie Christopher Nolan put out?"

DC Editors: "Yes. Absolutely fantastic."

Kevin Smith: "Eh, I thought it was okay. But you know what would have made it better?"

DC Editors: "What?"

Kevin Smith: "----in' urine!"

This moment is actually a bit more offensive when you realize that the "wet moment" takes place during a pivotal scene in Batman: Year One, considered by many (myself included) to be one of the best Batman stories ever told.

Okay, let's handle this a different way. You tell me: Who do you think is more likely to lose control of his bladder:

A) Batman

B) Kevin Smith


Heidi said...

I don't really care about comics, and I used to be a fan of Kevin Smith back in the day. (Clerks) But come on!!! I agree with you Stephen. How on earth can you make Batman pee his pants???? Is he suppose to be writing this for three year olds who are potty training and regularly have accidents? "It's okay son, even Batman 'bladder spasms' himself."

Psychoticmilkman said...

Wow, you're being kind too, Kevin Smith has put on so much weight since that picture was taken. The man is funny, but I always thought he should stick to stand-up.
He's done so much dammage already to the film industry, why not ruin comics too!?