Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conference Sketches: Two Scenes

Screw you, Edward. THIS is what vampires look like!

It took me a while to get the poses and proportions right. The li'l robot in the foreground kept coming off quite a bit smaller than I wanted, and, at one point, the vampire looked like he was recoiling AWAY from the kid with the bat rather than jumping AT him. I'm pleased with how things turned out.

This is a test scene for a story I'd like to tell about a kid who just decides he's had enough of school for the day and decides to run away from his teacher. The design for the boy came pretty much out of nowhere. The teacher took a bit more deliberation: I drew several different teachers, but none of the designs worked for me. The glasses and bun, though, were consistent.


I've lost a lot of motivation for the artsy things I've been dabbling in the last couple of years. All the drawing and writing is starting to feel less like fun and a lot like... well, work

Anyway, the other day, after I went to bed a little early, the thought came to me that ANYTHING I really WANT to do is going to BE work, so I might as well suck it up and get something done. I sat up in bed, pulled out my laptop, and wrote two pages - not a lot, granted, but more than my 250 word per day goal.

1 comment:

becca said...

My only criticism is that the vampire doesn't look like a Greek god. Seriously though, you've come so far - keep going! Also, I like the line variation thing with the thick and thin lines you've started doing.