Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Things I'll Love Forever: Easter Candy

I know that, when Easter rolls around, we really should be focused on more important things, but I just can't help it - I love me some Easter candy.

1 - I don't know what it is, but just about EVERY SINGLE CANDY BAR tastes better egg-shaped - Butterfinger, Snickers... even Reese's peanut butter eggs are a delight - and I don't really care for Reese's otherwise.

2 - Even though there's a huge variety of flavors, I just can't get enough of the original variety of Starburst Jelly Beans. Eating them is a delicate process - the green ones are the first to go, followed by the yellow and purple. Orange, red, and pink I save for last - they're the best.

If I could buy a bag of Starburst: Just the Pink Ones, I totally would. Heck, M & Ms come in just the green bags at Valentines. Someone make this happen!

3 - I guess these aren't TECHNICALLY Easter candies, but Kinder Surprise Eggs are about the most fun a person can have with candy. A chocolate egg with an awesome little toy inside? That's pure joy in a foil wrapper.

Of course, not all the toys are great. I mean, you can get a four-piece jigsaw puzzle or a flipbook the size of your thumbnail. However, if you get one of these:

Then it's like Christmas and Easter rolled into one great big holiday ball of misplaced Christian celebration!

4 - Check this out:


That's just classy.

5 - I know a lot of people think these are gross, but I LOVE Cadbury Cream Eggs. Every year, I buy a four-pack of the eggs, eat them all in ten minutes, and get sick to my stomach. It's as traditional as wearing big hats to church.


Shrinking eggs? Not cool, Cadbury.

Okay, so maybe it's a bit childish to get worked up so much over candy every spring, but I prefer to think of it as a ritual of renewal. Easter candy makes me feel young again, and that's why I love it forever.

By the way, if you're wondering why I didn't say anything about Peeps, it's because they're gross. So there.


miss kristen said...

You're right. Reeses eggs are WAY better than regular ones.

My personal favorite? The cadbury mini eggs. Heaven in a bag.

After seeing 'Hop' with the nieces and nephews this weekend I just can't bring myself to eat jelly beans anymore...

heidikins said...

I love pretty much everything about this post. :)


Anonymous said...

I only like peeps that have been opened for a few weeks and are good and stale!