Monday, April 25, 2011

S.R. Braddy Drinking Game

Man, it seems like my life's pretty much on repeat right now. I keep hearing and saying the same things over and over and OVER - "Work sucks," "Man, I really need to write more," and "No, I HAVEN'T been dating anyone, Dad!"

So when things get so repetitive, I figure one can do something bold and dramatic to break up the monotony - go on an adventure, take on a new hobby, etc.

Or, you know, you can devise a drinking game based on your life.

Now, I don't actually drink, and I never plan to start, but someone out there right now may need an excuse to get drunk, so HERE WE GO:

The S.R. Braddy Drinking Game:

  • Take a SIP if Braddy says "Batman."

  • Take a SIP if you see Braddy wearing an unironed shirt.

  • Take a SIP if Braddy says he "hates" anything (Most days, this'll get you drunk before breakfast).

  • Take a SIP if Braddy says something is his "favorite."

  • Take a SWIG if you see Braddy walking down the street reading.

  • Take a SWIG if Braddy writes a blog.

  • Take a SIP if someone tells Braddy that he needs to date more.

  • Take a SWIG if Braddy quotes a song lyric out of context.

  • Take a SWIG if you see Braddy dancing in the aisles of the grocery store.

  • Take a SIP if Braddy buys ice cream while there.

  • FINISH YOUR BEER if Braddy DOES go on a date.

Now let's turn this into a meme - I'd like to see other people develop their OWN drinking games. If you do, post a link.

1 comment:

Psychoticmilkman said...

Stephen, you're so naive to think people take sips of something, or use beer when playing a drinking game. It's so cute.

Here's mine: