Friday, September 23, 2011

Art Class: Day 2

Okay, so last week's hour was pretty much NOTHING I hadn't already learned from my independent study. This week, though, we got into some of the stuff I signed up to learn. We did a bit of perspective drawing and shading (two of my biggest problem areas), but we ALSO got into some new materials, including ink and vine charcoal.

I worked a lot more with value and shadow than I'm used to. It's all pretty much rubbish to look at right now, but I learned quite a bit.

We were given an object to sketch quickly using the ink. Can you tell what I picked? I can.*

Of my two ink pictures, I think I prefer this one - except I put it in the wrong place on the page. Layout's something I haven't really considered until now.

Vine charcoal I found difficult to work with, simply because it's not great at making definite lines. It's good for blending shadows, though. Too bad I suck at shadows.

*It's a pair of pliers. Hope you didn't cheat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This looks like fun!