Monday, September 19, 2011

Braddy's Bubble

For those of you who don't know (or don't remember):

I frickin' HATE being touched.*

I don't know why I hate physical contact so much. I didn't have a problem with touching in high school - I was about as huggy as every other hormonally-imbalanced human youngling. I did have a rather disproportionate number of young men ask to spoon with me while I served my LDS mission, but I don't know if that necessarily correlates.

Now, I'm not nearly as anti-touch as I used to be (the above comic is a slight exaggeration of an actual occurence). My recovery's been slow - I can pat people friendly-like on the arm, and an occasional hug is appropriate depending on the situation. However, I still get nervous if people touch me too casually or for too long. So, yeah, don't do it.

The whole "I'm not touching you!" thing hasn't bugged me since I was, like, seven, so you can skip doing that, too.

Oddly enough, I have I have almost no boundaries on stage. I was "cured" after an unfortunate incident during an improv show regarding Jourdan Dixon and an obsession with belly buttons...

...that someone decided to immortalize on camera. Joy.

Anyway, I'm still pretty uptight about physical contact. Maybe I'm just insane, but I like to think I'm a romantic - I'm saving myself for marriage... or something.

Whatever. At least I don't punch people anymore.

*The above comic is a duplicate of one I drew a couple years ago. Since then, my skills in MS Paint have improved a little. I now have to acknowledge that punching women is never ever ever funny in any circumstance, so shame on you for laughing.

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