Friday, October 7, 2011

Art Class: Day 4

The above isn't actually something that I worked on in class. It was a homework assignment: "Write your name 100 different ways." Obviously, I didn't quite make it.

Still, I actually found it to be a lot of fun coming up with different styles for letters. It took more concentration than usual to write my name, as I became more focused on the shape of the letter than the symbol itself. I'll probably come up with a few more "fonts" when my time opens up.

As for last night's class... We spent most of the time working on another still life arrangement composed of an object we brought from home (unfortunately titled our "fetish" object) and an object given us by the instructor. We worked primarily in charcoal and... well, I think I might be in love.

My two objects were a box of multi-sided dice and a metal creamer. Again, I started by plotting the basic shapes with the softer vine charcoal, and then I added more shades and values with compressed charcoal. Eventually, the goal was to add the darkest darks with a Conté crayon, but I never got that far (I haven't really been too impressed with Conté crayons at this point, anyway).

I regretted defining the faces of the dice with such dark lines after last night, but, looking at the scan this morning, I think there may be some potential in creating such definite lines in charcoal. Going forward, though, I'm going to leave line definitions to the easily-erased vine charcoal. I really enjoyed using the dark compressed charcoal to build a picture out of shadows and values rather than lines.

Before we left, we each received one micron pen to use for next week's class, so I've got that to look forward to.

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