Monday, October 31, 2011

Horrorshow: The Last Exorcism

Unlike last Halloween, I haven't been able to watch a whole lot of horror movies this year. I did manage to squeeze in a viewing of The Last Exorcism, which looks like some strange mash-up of The Blair Witch Project, The Exorcist, and, oddly enough, Rosemary's Baby (that, um, may have been a spoiler).

Despite the unoriginal the premise, there's a lot that works in this movie. I got freaked out quite a bit by the creepy atmosphere, and there are a couple of well-executed jump scares. The casting is pretty good, especially Ashley Bell as the possessed girl.

I did get kinda disctracted by some of the casting, though ("Hey, isn't that the guy from that one episode of Burn Notice?").

So the movie's scary enough, but the plot left a LOT to be desired. The whole "Satanic cult impregnates an innocent woman to give birth to the Antichrist" thing felt a little out of place, almost tacked on, like the writers realized they forgot to add the requisite twist ending (However, I STILL felt that the demon impregnation plot is still handled better here than in Rosemary's Baby. Horror purists may commence with the hate).

I guess I can say that I LIKED The Last Exorcism, although I feel little desire to ever watch it again. I'm starting to wonder if horror just isn't my genre - with only one exception (Psycho), I've yet to see any horror movie that I felt drawn to watch again.

Oh, I also saw Charade for the first time this weekend, and now I want to be Carey Grant when I grow up. But that's not scary at all, is it?


Garret said...

Have you seen The Changeling? It's not horror, but it is scary. said...

I LOVE The Changeling....NOT the one with Angelina Jolie, but the original from the 1970's with George C. Scott. One of my favorite old scary movies.

Another favorite is Alfred Hitcock's The Birds.