Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There Are Many Roads To Braddy's Blog

Man, some people...

I've seen some more rather ODD search terms lead people to my blog. Some of them, I'm actually able to identify where they lead - I went ahead and hyperlinked to the post for those search terms. Others have left me... UTTERLY baffled.And here's my favorite of the bunch:Okay, so I don't speak Russian, so I ran that text through Google translate, and it came out "pictures of the meaning of love."

I guess, according to Googe Image Search, love means wearing gas masks. And that PROVES I was right all along!


D.A. Hunter said...

"braddy" AND "black swan" <- me

S.R. Braddy said...


Not really. But it's nice to know my friends are keeping tabs on me.