Thursday, October 20, 2011

Art Class: Day 6 FINALE

Here we are, six weeks later, and look how much I've learned.

That, um, is supposed to be me. It's kinda hard to get all the proportions and whatnot right when doing a self portrait. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if I'd been working completely on my own. As it was, I was in a room of people chatting and cracking jokes. Every now and again, I'd laugh, and then I'd look back at the mirror and notice that MY WHOLE ^#$%$^IN' COMPOSITION WAS NOW OFF!


That said, there ARE some elements of this particular picture I'm pretty proud of. I demonstrate that I at least KNOW where the highlights should be. I also think I did an okay job with the hair - both that atop my head and that slathered around my mouth like a kid's birthday cake. Given another... oh, I dunno... twelve hours, I mighta had something which resembles more closely the pinnacle of bearded perfection that I am.

Now that the class is over, I've got a big plastic tote full of charcoal and other drawing supplis that'll hopefully see a lot of use. Of course, that may not happen, what with November rapidly approaching...


heidikins said...

Beard (noun) hair slathered around a man's mouth like a kid's birthday cake.

Awesome. Also, your drawing skillz rock.

xox said...

That is excellent work! Though to me it looks a little like a cross between you and Simon Pegg. :)