Thursday, October 13, 2011

Art Class: Day 5

The art course I signed up for is only six weeks long, so we're nearing the end. If there's one thing I've learned from the course, it's that I LOVE CHARCOAL DRAWING!

I know I say pretty much the same thing every week, but... DANG, charcoal is just FUN. Plus, it gets that black stain all over your fingers, so people see you and KNOW you've been doing something artistic. It's a good time.

It's also a LONG time - charcoal takes forever to get just the right shade of gray. Most of the charcoal pictures I've done so far (including the one above, which I copied from a photo in a National Geographic photo book) are unfinished, simply because I don't have the time in class to get everything just right.

We added a new tool today - a white Conté crayon. I got a bit of use out of it today - the crayon helped define the edges of the umbrella and some of the foam on the water (that's right, that's supposed to be water in the background). The white Conté is gonna take some getting used to, but I can see it being very useful.

Oh, I guess there's one other thing I learned from the art class - I'm one of those guys who licks his lips a lot when he's concentrating. Seriously, my lips kinda hurt right now. Time to go home and use that "True Aggie" chapstick I have left over from college - and I never even used it for what it's meant for...

1 comment:

becca said...

The black finger stains are one of my favorite things about charcoal, too - it's totally a badge of creativity. After all, only real artists are unkempt, right?