Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Imaginary Numbers

I'm not the math guy. I USED to be the math guy, but now I'm not. I'm the word guy.

Could I be the math guy again? Possibly. I mean, I still have a pretty good grasp on mathematical terms, like imaginary numbers.

Can you name them all?


Miss Megan said...

Those are so cool, Stephen! I'll take a guess at their names:
1. Me-two-sa
2. Threegle
3. Mermeight
4. Nine-otaur
5. Pegasix

Seriously, I adore this idea.

S.R. Braddy said...

SOOOO close!

Number two is actually ThreeNIX (but I DO like "Threegle").

Glad you got a chuckle out of 'em.

Miss Megan said...

Gah! I KNEW an eagle was too pedestrian in this context. That makes way more sense.

Larissa said...

So super clever, Stephen! Well, done!