Friday, June 1, 2012


Okay, so I've been ridinculously busy lately (and that's not a typo. "Ridinculous" means the same thing as ridiculous, but refers to tiny things that shouldn't have a big deal made over them and yet do). As a result, I've let a lot of things slide - most notably, my writing. I've done almost no writing for a month and a half now, and that's depressing.

Thankfully, it's just about time for everyone's favorite time of year: MiNiWriMo!

"But wait!" I hear you wail. "I've never heard of MiNiWriMo. Are you just making things up again?"

Yes, gentle reader, I AM making things up.

NaNoWriMo comes in November, and it involves writing a full 50,000 word novel in a month. I'm just trying to get myself back in the habit of writing regularly, so I'm going to set a far more modest goal - only 25,000 words for the month of June. Hopefully, by so doing, I'll convince my body that writing is fun again.

That way, I won't stress myself out as much watching Avatar: The Last Airbender on DVD saving homeless orphans from fires.


Unknown said...

I'll do it with you. 850 words a day? I'm game.

Psychoticmilkman said...

Avatar The Last Airbender is worth everything not getting done.
Just sayin'