Monday, October 15, 2012

Horrorshow: 28 Days Later

As much as I love all things nerdy, I've never been a big fan of zombies. Mainly, I just can't stomach zombie violence. So in asking for recommendations for horror movies, I tend to gloss over anything that has the shambling, undead metaphors for the mass-consumption of society.

So why'd I opt to watch 28 Days Later? Well, partially because it came so strongly recommended by my brother, and partially because I'm kind of a big fan of Cillian Murphy. Oh, and the zombies in this movie aren't real zombies, so there's that.

For about the first half of the movie, I watch Murphy's performance and thought to myself, "Hum. He looks a lot like Christopher Eccleston in this movie." Then Christopher Eccleston showed up...

28 Days Later gets a well-deserved R rating, but I'm not sure how necessary the "content" is. I get that violence is the foundation of any good zombie movie, but I REALLY would have liked a good five minute stretch without hearing the F-bomb.

Oh, and was there any point in having Cillian Murphy wake up completely naked in the hospital? Seriously, for the rest of the movie, I wasn't thinking about when the next zombie scare was coming. I was thinking, "What kind of terrible hospital leaves their post-op patients lying naked and completely uncovered on top of their beds?"

Seriously irresponsible medical practice, guys.

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