Thursday, January 17, 2013

Deep Fried Funk

So I think I may have to give up my favorite lunchtime food. Just about every day, I head down to the cafeteria and pick up some of my favorite comfort food - a grilled cheese sandwich and onion rings. I figured I made up for the buttered and battered junk I shoveled down my gullet by rinsing out my mouth with a green smoothie, but I think I may have been mistaken. After all, I split my favorite pair of work pants the other day...

Luckily, I ripped 'em BEFORE I went to work, but it's still demoralizing. I mean, these were my favorite pair. They were brown, and I could wear them with my favorite brown shoes. They were nice enough to wear to work, but not so nice that I felt stiff or overly formal. And they had the best expanding waistband, so I never felt full after lunch.

That's right: I split the one pair of pants I own with an elastic waistband.

Now, I'm not FAT. Not at all. But... well, I didn't used to jiggle when I went down stairs. I didn't used to get winded jogging after the bus. And I didn't used to feel like a tube of toothpaste when I wore my business slacks to work.

Picture unrelated.

In recent months, my waistline seems to be expanding with near-Napoleonic levels of aggression, and I don't seem to have the energy I need to make it through the second half of each work day. When I get home from work, I don't feel like cleaning or writing or really doing anything other than lounging around, snacking and maybe reading if I feel like being active.

And all this after I went jogging that one time. It's not fair!

Well, anyway, it may be time for me to review my diet again. I'm not looking to bulk up for swimsuit season or anything like that. I'm just hoping to keep my waist pillow at the "loverly writer's paunch" level rather than the "did I inflate that beach ball or swallow it?" level.

You ever try doing sit-ups while watching videos on your iPad? It's multi-tasking at its best!

1 comment:

Larissa said...

You probably don't need to diet, just eat every three hours to keep your blood sugar levels more regulated. The exhaustion is because of your levels. Once you get in tune with it, it is really easy to tell. I always keep little snacks of 100-200 calories around for those moments when it has been three hours and I know I won't be eating soon - jerky, fiber one protein bars (surprisingly amazing), crackers/peanut butter, banana, string cheese, that sorta thing:-) You will find yourself never feeling stuffed, but never feeling starved either...and that is a STRANGE adjustment from what we are used to with the whole "I'M STARVING" to "I'M STUFFED," every day.
Think about it. Six small meals of 300-400 calories per day:-)