Saturday, February 6, 2010

Daily Sketches: Seven Sins Edition

1.25.10 - Jeff wants to be your Mr. Right Now.

1.26.10 - And here's my first official "cop-out" sketch. I just slapped something down on paper without really spending too much time planning it or working on it for very long.

It's a witch-face, for some reason.

One day, I decided that I'd start basing my daily sketches on the Seven Deadly Sins. It was an... interesting... exercise.

1.27.10 - This picture is the reason I wanted to do the "Sin Sketches." I just got the idea to draw some fat monstrosity with claw hands and call it Gluttony. The completist in me wouldn't let me just draw Gluttony, though, so I had to keep going.

I started by drawing a circle and wentfrom there. I'm pleased with the basic design, and I'm actually downright proud of those feet (not the best in the world, but certainly the best I've ever done). I think I wanted more contrast between the monster's bulk and his skinny arms, but, for now, this'll do.

Also, I've never drawn nipples before. It was gross.

1.28.10 - Even though I didn't really RELISH the idea of drawing a naked woman, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for "Lust" the minute I finished Gluttony. So, here we are.

I'm proud of the skull-jaw I drew, but that upper lip bothers me. It just looks childish to me.

Sharp eyes might notice that I've actually cut the picture off at the waist. Well, in the original, I actually drew pants on Lust, modeled after the clothing worn by women super-heroes in comic books. After completeing the sketch, though, I noticed that superhero tight-pants were completely indistinguishable from naked superheroes with body paint. And I'd forgotten why I used to be embarassed to admit I read comics.

Let's move on.

1.29.10 - This was... depressing. I used photos of anorexics as models for Sloth. Then, when I decided those models weren't skinny enough, I used photos of Holocaust victims.

And that is the officially the worst thing I have ever written.

I feel the proportions here are a mess, and the biology's not quite right. Other than that, the only thing I'd want to point out is the gender: I decided to make Sloth a woman, because Sloth is usually considered to be a masculine sin. So it was basically arbitrary.

1.30.10 - As I went on, my "Sin Sketches" got to be less and less monstrous. Pride, here, isn't really a monster at all. He's just a jerk.

For the most part, I'm very proud of this sketch. It's my second-favorite from the series. My only regrets are Pride's outfit and the pose his legs are in. I should have drawn him in a tuxedo or something a bit classier than a shirt and tie, and I don't know WHAT his right leg is supposed to be doing.

Also, more guy nipples.

1.31.10 - I thought Envy would be the most difficult of the sketches - and it was, but not for the reasons I thought it would be.

See, I wanted Envy to rub a knife across her lips while looking in a mirror at a woman sitting behind her. By the time I finally got Envy, the knife, and the mirror looking close to decent, I was out of patience. I just kinda threw the rest together and went back to watching Burn Notice.

What I SHOULD have done (I now realize) is draw the picture from BEHIND Envy who would be looking in a mirror. That way, we'd see Envy's back, her face, the knife, and a woman dressed fancy that Envy would shiv in a bit. Maybe in the second draft.

2.1.10 - "Fat man in a little coat..."

This is actually my favorite of the Sin Sketches. My only real regret is that I started too far to the right of the page, so I started to run out of room when drawing the cane hand.

I love the pudgy (though anatomically-inaccurate) fingers, the round head, the bulging chin... I know skinny people are supposed to be the pretty ones, but fat people are just more interesting to draw.

2.2.10 - Wrath: The Perfect Anticlimax.

I left Wrath to the very end because I thought he'd be the easiest to do, but, when I got to the point where I would start drawing him, I just... got bored with the whole project.

And it shows. The neck isn't lined up with his head at all, and I didn't even try to get the shape of his face right. The screaming mouth is about the only thing here I think I got right - except for the tongue, which is just weird-looking. I threw in a bunch of anime-spike hair things and just called it a day.

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