Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daily Sketches

2.14.10 - I set out to draw a guy with a sword. I didn't mean to make his hands so freakishly small.

The hearts were an afterthought.

2.15.10 - I hoped to repeat my success from my 2.13.10 sketch with a female subject. I don't think I did that well.

I still tend to draw women very broad in the shoulder, and I demonstrate a remarkable fear of all anatomy not shared with the masculine sex.

I decided to draw lace on her sleeves. Then I remembered I have no clue how to draw lace.

2.16.10 - Had a lot of fun drawing this guy. I don't know why exactly I opted for the poofy shirt, but I think this works.

2.17.10 - Another Village Inn sketch. Not my favorite. Not even close.

The apple pie and hot chocolate I had while working, though, were amazing.

2.18.10 - Amazing what you can do with half an hour on your lunch break.

I hate this guy's feet. I mean, HATE them. They're hideous, and weird, and they don't even look like real feet.

The thing I'm proudest of with this sketch, though, is that I drew everything as is on the page. I didn't flip the sketch upside down to get the face right - I drew it upside down from the beginning. I think it's awesome.


Adrianna said...

Dear Stephen,
Women have boobs. And hips.

Just so ya know.

S.R. Braddy said...
