Saturday, February 27, 2010

Daily Sketches

2.23.10 - This isn't mine. I stole this picture from a Captain America comic. She was a news reporter standing on the side.

The comic only portrayed her from the hips up. I added the feet. And they are pretty terrible.

I don't know WHO picked this chick's outfit. A winter coat with a turtleneck I can understand... but why wear warm clothing that exposes your midriff? I don't get it.

2.24.10 - Not much to say about this one.

Integrals are about the only part of calculus I still remember.

2.25.10 - I remember trying to draw a woman with HUGELY exaggerated hips... I wound up with this sketch, where the hips... actually look about right.

So I was incredibly proud of this sketch, went and showed it off to some friends, who promptly asked, "Where are her boobs?"

Why are women so complicated?

2.26.10 - Andrew likes the steam.

2.27.10 - My sister-in-law saw this sketch and promptly asked, "Why isn't she wearing a bra?"

I tried to exaggerate the "womanly features," as I did before, and I wound up with this bra-less disco-dancing weirdo.

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