Sunday, October 23, 2011

Romance in the Dark

Forgive my penchant for the dramatic and let me run a thought by y'all.

So it seems a lot of people fall in love in the dark - we go to candle-lit restaurants, dance under disco balls, and talk in the park at night. I've heard, once upon a time, that the dark tricks the eye into dilating, which sends the other party a signal that there's some romantic interest. Same thing goes for makeup - eye makeup makes is attractive on a woman because it makes her eyes appear to be larger, again demonstrating interest in the other person.[citation needed]

I used to think that the dark and the eyeliner was just a ploy - a way of covering up or glossing over the physical imperfections of the other party. As a result, I sometimes joke that I'm going to ask the woman I love to marry me at 8:00 A.M. on a Saturday morning before she's had a chance to put on her make-up. That way, if I REALLY loved her, I'd know because I'd still want to go through with it.

In case you didn't know, I'm sometimes a terrible person.

Anyway, I'm starting to rethink my stance on this particular issue. Darkness doesn't cover up physical "imperfection," but it removes physical appearance from the table as an issue. Conversation in the dark - on a ballroom floor, or wherever - gives you an opportunity to look past the outside and get a glimpse at what's inside.

Just a thought.


miss kristen said...

It's a very good thought. It's easier to be yourself when you're not worried if the other person is focused entirely on your face. (Which is important, but shouldn't be the main contributing factor.)

Larissa said...

This is VERY intriguing because just last weekend I was chatting with a young man whom I rather fancy. We were outside by a campfire. Then inside in a dimly lit kitchen drinking hot chocolate. And I thought SEVERAL times, "Boy I'm glad it is dark/ kinda dim right now. I was traveling all day and just feel greasy and gross. Nothing like lighting to hide my imperfections."

Interesting. said...

My question is do you find yourself at a prospective fiance's house at 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning before she's had a chance to put her make-up on? Unless you woke up next to her, but somehow, I don't see that happening...

Heather said...

The dark doesn't "trick" your eyes into dilating. It's a physiological response to allow more light into the eye when light levels are low, or you have a particular interest in what you are looking at...of course.

And yay for my husband who did not fall in love with me "in the dark"!

Mary said...

I feel like candlelight can cast weird shadows on faces and make people look like they have no upper lip or big bags under their eyes. It does spark a friendly glow in the eyes, though, you are right. Lighting can really help encourage a mood. Look at disco balls! Intriguing thoughts.