Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Great Sugar Sacrifice

In addition to the year of self improvement, 2012 is also shaping up to be a year of sacrifice. For instance, I have completely refrained from buying any sort of comic book for myself for three months now - which, considering how many comics I own, is saying something.

March was a special sacrifice, though, and it strangely had nothing to do with Lent. I decided to lay off sugar for the whole month.

Really, my sugar fast was more for financial reasons than health ones. After all, I tend to eat my body weight in ice cream every month, and that's a costly habit to maintain.


I did make a few exceptions - I had to celebrate Pi Day, and I did allow myself to eat a cookie a friend of mine gifted to me. Beyond that, though, I didn't buy any sort of sugary snacks.

This, by the way, is a HUGE sacrifice, considering how much I LOVE Easter Candy.

In the end, the whole sugar fast was a BIT of a joke. I spent at least as much money on Bolthouse Farms Fruit smoothies, which are every bit as delicious as they are expensive. But I did miss out on a grand new experience: Cadbury Chocolate Creme Eggs.

It's like somebody said, "How can we make this chocolate better?" and somebody else responded, "WITH MORE CHOCOLATE!!!"

Anyway, the fast is over, so I promptly went out and bought a thing of Ben and Jerry's and a four-pack of Cadbury eggs. Life is MUCH better now.

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