Monday, April 22, 2013

Daffy Laffy Taffy Time

Ah, Laffy Taffy. As far as candy goes, it's pretty okay. But the REAL draw of Laffy Taffy is the joke on the wrapper, right? I mean, who could POSSIBLY resist the riotous pun-laden humor of the Laffy Taffy Joked Submission Brigade.

Okay, I imagine that a LOT of people find Laffy Taffy jokes unfunny. Those people are DOING IT WRONG! Yes, there is a right way to read Laffy Taffy wrappers, and it'll increase your enjoyment of both the candy and the comedy a hundredfold.

The Braddy Laffy Taffy technique is simple, but it must be executed precisely - you must read the punch line for the OPPOSITE joke. Allow me to demonstrate with the wrapper I have before me:
Rebekah P. asks: Which runs faster, hot or cold?
Answer: They both have sandy claws.

You don't get it? Well, let's look at the other pair:
Thomas B. asks: What does Christmas have to do with a cat in the desert?
Answer: Hot. Everyone can catch a cold.
See? It really IS better!


You still don't agree, hmm? Maybe I'm the only one who finds surreality so engaging.

1 comment:

heidikins said...

My favorite Laffy Taffy Joke of all time:

Q: What is big, green, fuzzy, has 4 legs, and if it fell out of a tree it would kill you?



(wait for it...)


A: A pool table.
