Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Pink Award

Look at this award I won!

It's pink!

Okay, so it's not ACTUALLY an award. The Liebster Award is really just some meme thing that's going around. You answer a bunch of questions, then you "nominate" other bloggers to do the same. I got "nominated" by Miss Foxy, and so here we are.

The Rules:
  1. The nominee must link back to the blogger who nominated them.
  2. The nominee must state 11 facts about themselves, and then answer the 11 questions provided for them by the person who nominated them.
  3. The nominee must then nominate bloggers with less than 200 followers, who they think deserve the recognition, and pose 11 new questions for them to answer.
Sounds easy enough, right? Well, I needed some blog fodder, so here we go!

First, the facts:
  1. I'm a recording artist. Fact. I recorded an album with a group of like-minded singers back when I was in high school. We called ourselves The Grasscutters.
  2. I'm also a published poet. I've had a few poems published in online poetry zines (dink around on Google and you'll find them).
  3. I've never been to Idaho, even though I've lived in the northern part of Utah my whole life. For some reason, that feels significant.
  4. I have a scar on the side of my right foot from stepping on a paint scraper while I was in junior high. I accidentally knocked the scraper off the shelf, looked at it and thought, "Hm, I should pick that up." Then I stomped on it.
  5. I have another scar on my right leg from when I was about five years old playing around in my grandmother's front yard. I sliced up my leg on the downspout from my grandma's gutter, and then limped around to the backyard where the rest of the family was assembled. Then, and only then, I collapsed on the ground and bawled.
  6. Actually, my right leg gets injured a lot, so much so that my friends and I always joked that I would likely lose it at some point.
  7. While we're talking scars, I have a scar on my right thumb from the three months I worked at a lumber mill. I nearly lost the thumb in a (stupid) accident with a buzzsaw.
  8. I have been the "best man" at four weddings. I'm officially out of single male friends who would potentially make me a groomsman. Anyone need a particularly hairy bridesmaid?
  9. My great-great-great maternal grandfather was a polygamist. I'm descended from his third wife, who was apparently featured prominently in the film 17 Miracles, which I never saw.
  10. My great-great paternal grandfather is a geneological dead end. We think he may have changed his name. Familial lore states that he "adulterated" on his wife, who kicked him out of the house. He spent his final days in a chicken coop.
  11. My parents met on a ballroom dance team. I didn't know this until I was 14, when they chaparoned a youth dance I attended. Ever since, I've wanted to learn to dance (but never to the point where I'd actually, you know, take a class).
And now, Foxy's questions, which I've chosen to answer completely in the form of animated GIFS. Enjoy.

1. If money/success were no hindrance to you what would you be doing for a living?

2. Is there a character from a movie/book you most relate to? Who is it?

3. If you turned your Ipod (or other music playing device) on right now what would be playing?

4. What is your guiltiest pleasure?

5. What would you today tell the you of ten years ago?

6. Do you sing along to the radio? What's your favorite song to sing to?

7. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would be your first non-bill/debt paying purchase?

8. Favorite vacation spot?

9. Describe your perfect day.

10. What is one thing on your bucket list?

11. If you could be anyone else for a day who would you choose?

Most of my blogging friends have already done this thing (or been nominated), but if heidikins, Psychotic Milkman, Aldo, Torrie, or Mindfalls felt the urge to answer some questions, I'd be interested to know:
  1. What's the first thing you remember, after all the things you've forgotten?
  2. What's the worst book you've ever read?
  3. What fictional character would you most want to spend a day with?
  4. What's the one place in the world you'd love to go to, but you've never been?
  5. Ever tried to like something a friend recommended, but just couldn't? What was it?
  6. What's your favorite way to spend a day off from work?
  7. If you had to pick a particular era from history, and you could only wear the clothes from that time period for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  8. What movie soundtrack could you dance to all night?
  9. What completely impractical feature would you include in your dream house?
  10. Favorite cooking technique: bake, grill, or microwave?
  11. How ARE you? Really?

1 comment:

Miss Megan said...

Those GIFs are genius. I'll have you know that I started watching My Little Pony on your recommendation.. and I think I've finally learned all of their names ;)